Monday, December 13, 2010

Flower Pants

There is something seriously wrong with the weather this year. First we had the hottest summer in God knows how long. Then the hottest driest autumn ever. Then we had the fire. And now the storm. It started Saturday and is supposed to finish today. Maybe it's over, I don't know, I'm still at the office. Anyway, Saturday was just windy and dusty. All the windows were closed but you got dust and sand in the house anyway. On Sunday it was super windy and sometimes rainy. After the rain my umbrella had dusty streaks on it. And today it was just pouring rain all day. The wind in Ashdod (closest to us seaside city) reached the speed of 120 km/h. Some people got hurt.

This is what I wore on Sunday. Gray and pink, classic combination. Only there is nothing classic about these jeans. But I like them anyway.

Looking at the photos I'm thinking that the top should have been a little longer. I'll try it next time.

This was my jacket. Now I have to clean it from dust.

And the best footwear to run away from the rain. I sure know how to pick them.

To complement the color scheme I grabbed my pink umbrella with black trim and black and pink paper shopping bag for stuff I had to carry. One thing for sure - in the gloomy weather I wouldn't get hit by a car - you could see me miles away.

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