Monday, August 20, 2012


Last Friday we went to the dinosaur exhibit in Tel Aviv. It was really nice though I expected something a little more "scientific". There wasn't much science to be viewed and absorbed. But it was impressive. Dark halls with huge life size (as far as I know) dinosaur models. You could see their sides move as they were breathing. Some tails were wagging, some necks were moving. Lots of growling noises. And lots of people. I mean, loads!

You couldn't really take pictures there as it was so dark. The T-rex hall had the most lights so I tried.

The best thing about the show was that my Kid loved it.

Of course, we had to buy a souvenir. Behold the T-rex skeleton puzzle!

I had to compensate the lack of pictures with the photos of my dress. Floor length pink Zara gown. Held up nicely in the scorching heat (the A/C in the car doesn't work).

The beads and the fringe are not over the top at all, I didn't feel overdressed though I had to grab and lift the hem while wandering around dinosaurs.

Hey, my almost last week at work has begun! I'm hoping for a peaceful "end of days". No crazy clients please!!!!!

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