Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New guy in the house

We have pets. Hang on, let me show you.

This is Boomer. He's the oldest, he's five. He used to be the size of his head when we got him. We love him to bits.

This is three year old Skanky (Husband picked the name). She's a garbage cat, found weighing less than 400 g (much less than a pound).
Dog protested for a couple of days but now they're best friends.
Look. This is last winter.

But two days ago this little ghost showed up at our doorstep. He looks about 2 months old, pure white except for pink ears and orange eyes. Another garbage cat, we have lots of those in the neighborhood. He came up to the front door and asked to let him in. So I did. And I gave him a bath. And this is what we've got now.

Meet Prince (as in "the artist formerly known as...) You may say that he doesn't look like The Prince. But the personality fits.

So now Skanky is in shock! All you hear in the house is hissing and spitting when these two cross paths. But Boomer has been great. Accepted little Prince right away. I'm so proud of him (please don't kill me, I'm now always this sucky I promise).

And to finish this centimental post is my outfit photo. This is how I went to my Kid's horseriding class:
Dress: Zara
Boots: Guess via ebay
Belt: my friend's shop
Angie at youlookfab posted about wearing boots with bare legs and it gave me an idea. People at the ranch liked it. Must be the "disco" cowboy boots.

Monday, September 28, 2009

This how do you call it, atonement day (ouf, my english is getting worse and worse) made me think about Goya and his maja desnuda. I don't know why all these "pardon me" days usually provoke the most unappropriate thoughts of the most obscene character. I just remembered the story of Goya and la duquesa de Alba. And with a glass of a nice table wine (or even) two, this idea has given that shot.

As for pics, go to explore FlicR- it's a social event and I have even found a conference in the EHESS (one of the most prestigious french institutions) about the function and the role of this site in the history of photography. It's like a drug, you cannot stop admiring the art works of all those genious on the site.

So how was your meal today? Any special menu to beg him pardon?

The day of rest

Last night and all day today the whole country observed Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. What it means in practical terms: nothing works. No shops, no cars, no public transportation, airplanes don't fly, most TV channels don't work, you're not supposed to eat, drink, wash, exchange money, use the phone, smoke, cook... What else... And everything else. It's a simplification of course, and I'm not going to go into details here. Religious spend most of this day at the temple. Who knows what people do behind closed doors - that's their business. Most interesting is what you see in the streets. Children take over. The streets are flooded with kids on bicycles, rollerskates, skateboards, scooters and just running around.

This is the "village square". Usually filled with cars and delivery vans.

This road is busy everyday of the year. Today it is open for cyclists of all ages.

This roundabout is never so peaceful. But last night it was so quiet we could hear jackals calling in the persimmon trees in the background.

The Kid went riding his scooter last night and twice today. But now it's dark, cars returned to the roads, Kid is asleep. And the scooter is asleep - till same time next year.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Comfort zone

Jeans: Mango
Belted top: Olivia (on the label it says New York-Milano, but I suspect it's a better quality chinese export. Who cares, it's silky, lightweight and perfect for this time of year)
Flats: Zara
Beige bag in the background: Charter Club
Golden hoops and a bunch of golden-color bracelets.

I was alone at the office today, so I dressed mostly for comfort. Good thing that I had to work till 11:30, it's eve of Yom Kippur, short day for everyone. Bo-oring! I had 3 phonecalls and one person walked in to get something. Totally unproductive day!

On the way to the car I bought DiorShow mascara, my fave. They had 15% off make-up, I clenched my teeth and didn't buy anything else. So proud of myself!

Got home, changed into something a bit more comfortable for running around the "village" and went out for groceries. See, this would be considered dressing up where I live.
Turquoise top: Opera
Denim clamdiggers
Flip-flops: Kenneth Cole Reaction (with the same color inserts like the top). These are the most comfortable flops on Earth! I walk the dog in them for hours. Highly recommend.

Tomorrow is a day of total rest. We'll see... Kid rearranged the living-room today, wanted to make it look more like a coffee-shop. He surprises me every day :)


If ever you were asking yourself where to put your joint when your hands are occupied, here is an idea. Practical and decorative.

Monmartre today or fashion for boys

Everybody says Paris is the capital of fashion. It's a cliché. Normally, when one says "fashion", everybody thinks "for women". But in Paris, we have our local " fashionables". Here is an example of a traditional Monmartre outfit for men. Costume Cravate , but in a very original interpretation.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The outfit saga begins

Here it is, the first outfit post. Pinstriped skirt: Mango, striped shirt: Bravo, heels by Heyraud, belt from Turkey. I've always avoided belts, but now after reading lots of fashion blogs (haven't learned how to link yet) and looking at InStyle I decided to give it a try.
Stuck a red flower pin a la Justin from Home Heist to match the red bits on the shoes.
This was my work outfit. I go to the office only twice a week and don't get to "dress up" every day.

And in the evening I wore this to take my kid to the "Young vets club". Denim skirt from a small shop, altered to look more "pencil", top: Opera, flats: Nine West, yellow bag: Tignanello. Kid took my picture with the cellphone, sorry it's a bit fuzzy. Maybe we should enroll in the "Young photographers club" too. Oh well, next year.

Lesson learned: It's a great idea to photograph yourself, even if you don't have a blog. You can see yourself better than in the mirror and get a better idea about the proportions of your body and how to work with what you've got.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

thin and thick or how the society is getting on the nerves of poor women

Voilà ce qui se passe quand on voyage trop: on a un coup de blues. Et quand on ne voyage pas assez, on a aussi des coups de blues, des cafards et d'autres bizarreries conceptuelles de ce genre.
Alors, j'ai pensé aujourd'hui que la société nous emmerde avec les images de beauté officielle: que des espèces de rescapées d'Auschwitz anorexiques squelettoïdes, toujours au régime carottes/concombres, genre sylphides romantiques sans chaire. A vomir (surtout quand on est boulimique!) Vous ouvrez un journal de mode (moi, je ne les ouvre jamais, mais on va faire comme si...) et quoi! par révolte l'envie vous prend d'aller bouffer deux énormes pizzas de suite avec une bonne glace au dessert. Mensonges! On est toutes dans ce trip, même les plus rebelles. Mais au nom de quoi? D'où provient cette image fallique d'une femme castatrice qui maîtrise tout y compris son propre corps, l'objet qui d'ores et déjà ne lui appartient pas. Pour plaire? Mais à qui? Aux hommes? Non, mais il faut vraiment être naïve pour penser que tous les hommes rêvent d'une femme squelettique genre porte-manteaux qui défilent sur les podiums. Les hommes rêvent avec ce que la société leur impose (laquelle société est aussi victime de toute sorte de manipulateurs publicitaires qui inventent des canons de beautés qui ne correspondent presque jamais à ce que l'inconscient humain peut traîner dans ses tréfonds). N'importe quel psy vous rira au nez (non, il ne rira pas, sinon il perdra ces clientes) en entendant l'argument d'une folle au régime qui lui explique qu'elle ne bouffe pas pour être belle. Bon, je m'en vais là (faire du footing, histoire de garder cette foutue ligne, mais je promets un bel article là-dessus! Tanya, I think we need to post some pictures of outfits urgently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

our architectural representation

Just to give the idea where the ideas will come to us. First funny observation: the architecure is not free of symbols. Normally, domes symbolise feminine part of the world and gothic towers - a sort of phallic idea of domination. Isn't it curious that the Dome of the Rock is the symbol of the most "masculine" religion and the gothic tower has been constructed in order to honour la sainte Vierge?...

voyage voyage

Alors voilà, notre voyage commence. Nous avons été d'accord sur le point de départ, mais comme de vraies chercheuses voyageuses, nous n'avons qu'une vague idée de notre point d'arrivée. En tout cas, au programme: les images, les idées et les paroles. Juste pour commencer, ni l'anglais ni le français ne sont nos langues maternelles, mais elles nous ont adoptées, comme nous les avons adoptées. Pourquoi olde socks? Souvenez-vous d'un vieux proverbe sur les vieux pots et les meilleures soupes... A suivre.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hello world!

So one day it all started. Jeanne arrived for a visit, just for a week. We managed to get together three times!!! Totally drunk on food and other stuff, we started talking about blogs and internet and fashion, and the idea of a shared blog popped up out of nowhere. Who knows where it can take us? So, while Jeanne is waiting for her flight home and yours truly tries to organize the household after the long Rosh Hashana weekend and catch up on unfinished work, we'll be thinking of the ways to make this work. Jeanne thinks that I should post my outfits, and I would like to see her photography... and the outfits. That sounds like a plan to me.