Monday, February 18, 2013

In Good Company

Ever since the first time I saw these sunglasses on Helena of Brooklyn Blonde, I've been planning to get my hands on a pair. Karen Walker's Number One. I'd never heard of Karen Walker before that. But suddenly I saw them on fashion blogs everywhere.
Here are some examples of what I was looking at.


Today, after I complained in my previous post that the snailmail is killing me and I'm not getting the stuff I ordered on ebay, I finally received a certain little package from Australia. And in that package was a certain black case with a silver arrow on it. A telltale sign of things to come.

Yes, I am a proud owner of Karen Walker's Number Ones in tortoise.


Now if only two other things I ordered on ebay could hurry up and get here, I'd be happy. For awhile at least. Or so I hope.


  1. They are delightful! What a great way to spruce up an outfit! L xx

  2. Oh, I love them and wear them all the time now. Need to reach the record price per wear rate!
