Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nine West Boots Week plus Fur Vest

The Nine West boots week continues. Next in line were these pewter booties that I got last year with a good discount (25%). They are very comfortable due to hidden platform. It seems a shame to hide them under longer pants, so I wore my jeans usually reserved for flats. These boots would look great with skinnies but I don't own any of them because they make me look like an icecream cone.

Today I start with the full-length Zara shot. By the way, they were getting ready for the end of season sale. Reorganizing the shelves, moving stuff around. Can you believe it?

Boots: Nine West
Jeans: DJ
Faux fur vest: Zara
Gray turtleneck: Marco Polo
Sitting on the kiddies' table again. Tyra would have said: Where is your neck, girl?
It's hiding in the soft fur! The nicest feeling with the airconditioning blasting (we use it on cold setting only).
Here is a close up of my flower jewelry, a birthday gift from hubby 3 years ago. My bling! It looks great under the sun, all sparkly and stuff.
And now for the boots. Had to hike my jeans up for this photo.

I love the stitching details!

So what did I do after work? Right, I went boot-hunting. I'm looking for some black riding-style boots, tall, rounded toe, that I could tuck my jeans in. I saw some good ideas and maybe even found the perfect pair. Just have to budget them in somehow...

I need therapy!


  1. Passed by, saw how you look like, said to myself she is incredible-just looks gorgeous whatever happens. I post this comment here , but I adore the dress, so feminine...Like the jewelery and you nails :):)
    And of course, the story of Xmas. The coolest things was gifts!!!! And this year it's fun-I am going to see one by one all my friends who stay in Paris and who don't go to their families. Veru busy holidays. Pity you wouldn't be here for the 31. I'll have our new cousin in!!!! Will send you pics...It's cold here, time to put a hat on!!!!

  2. Hey it's snowing in Paris! Hope you'll have White Christmas. Waiting for pics of our new cousin and cous-in-law :)

  3. Those boots are killer, Tanya!

    I hope you had an awesome Christmas!

  4. Thank you Sheila!
    Christmas was nice, except for the onslaught of the killer virus in the evening of the 25th. Nothing that deadly, just nasty fever and aches.

    Hope yours was much better and more fun!!!
