Monday, April 23, 2012


A funny thing happened to me yesterday. My parents who live in the same apartment (they have the ground floor, we have the top), so my parents went off to Eilat for 4 days. Yesterday morning I got dressed, kissed everyone good bye and left for work.

I really liked my outfit - neon pink jeans from H&M, chiffon blouse, black wedges (not shown).

After work I had to rush home, to be there for my Kid's return from school. So I thought I'd take more pictures at home. But while on the bus I realised that I forgot my house keys!!! Kid didn't have them either and my husband never takes keys to work (afraid to lose them plus someone's always home when he comes back). After initial panic attack (what to do? Drive about four hours to Eilat to get the keys?) I calmed down and thought of another way to get in. To cut a long story short, I knocked on my neighbor's door and had to climb over a pony wall from their back balcony to mine. I had to move my laundry out of the way and a pigeon-proof netting (that also prevents my cat from running over to the neighbors). Luckily the door to the apartment was not locked (it's a small laundry "back balcony" on the third floor, there is no danger of intruders, except through my neighbors' apartment, and we always lock the door when going away for extended periods of time. I'm glad my Mom didn't think of locking it up this time).
Taking pictures was out of the question, the jeans went straight into the laundry hamper, I apologized profusely to the neighbor (she said, what are you apologizing for? For entertainment?). But I was home in time for my Kid to come home. With dinner ready.


  1. And looked fab while doing it ;) Faux Fuchsia is looking for ideas on what to wear with her pink jeans - I think you nailed it! L xx

  2. Hey, me giving ideas to FF? No way, she always knows what to wear!
